Today at our staff meeting we wrote our name at the top of a fancy sheet of paper and then passed the paper randomly around the room to different people who then wrote one nice thing about the person who's paper they had. When we got our paper back it was full of really nice comments.
I don't know why I was surprised but I was quite surprised to see how sincere and true (when I thought about it) the comments were.
The first one was: Always gives 110% of herself every day. Wow! I know I try but for a coworker to realize that I do is huge for me. It makes me proud that I do put all I have into every day for the students I teach. I love my job and can't imagine giving any less than 100%. I'm honored that I come across this way!
Another one was: Has a great sense of humor! Isn't that a trait we always look for in a great friend, spouse, or colleague. I'm glad that I can laugh at all the funny and sometimes not funny things that happen in the course of a day. I also hope, and might even assume from this comment, that I might even make other people laugh too. I think humor is so important as a teacher. I laugh with my students daily and with my EA. It shows I'm human, and that I might even be a human you would want to have a relationship with.
Another comment: Loves the students. "Of course I love the students," I think, "Who doesn't?" Then I think that not everyone might show it. This is one thing that people thought of when they thought of me. I really hope my students also know that I love them. I do tell them that they are important to me and that I do love them. I'm kind of like their surrogate parent while I am in charge of them. I care very deeply for each of my students. In one reflection I made in my daily lesson plan, I wrote that I loved how each student in my class was different and I loved them for their differences and each for a different reason. Love is so important in everything you do and in all aspects of my life.
The other comments kind of overlapped: hardworking, supportive, fun, brave to try new technology things and a few others that I can't currently remember. This was just a tremendous exercise! I have to admit that I cried when I first got my paper back and read the first line. I did read the entire list as the meeting progressed and was so extremely touched by all the feedback.
I think that it would be great to do this activity every couple months as a morale booster. I know that I obviously needed it today based on my reaction to it, and that I could probably also use it in a couple months to remind me that I do a great job and that I am in teaching for all the right reasons!